Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

NOTE About Thariqat

By: Agus Maryono S Ag

Taqorrub Ilalloh (closer to sharp) is a phrase that is often delivered by preachers    or missionaries the opportunity talk religion.Proximity myself a slave to a sharp between fruit in the conduct of worship to Him. With personal closeness with Sang-Khaliq showed the existence of a Muslim   in front of him and loved diakuai.Confession, Keridhoan and Love Being Creator to His creatures sang acquire a variety of awards, prizes, bonuses and other amenities in life that sometimes never imagined by her makhluq.

If we menyintai one might   a lover, child, or parent is not impossible or strange that all of a sudden we want to give a surprise or shock by providing goods that he loved.

Similarly sharp SWT Most Tau with anything hidden in the hearts of His servants with His Power is infinite power to give it a dream or even absolutely no terbersitkan by His servant's heart. It was probably  about an event that will make it happy making will grace stunned amazement.

With His Love that is the Merciful and Rahim   will always menununtun and protect slaves terkasihnya to always on the right path and freed from the disaster-benacana the   membahyakannya.
Therefore be reasonable if Taqorrub IlALLoh often echoed by the preachers to be pursued and achieved by humans. 

The question is whether easy as that why? It was not always easy, sometimes too hard. Difficult for us to be able to achieve closeness bersmaNya. Only people who get a gift that could reach a position close to the Lord of the Izzah.

Adjacent yourself with   Allah is extremely difficult if we do not know the procedures. Let alone with the Creator, which requires cleaning the outside in, Ikhlas total, all devoted worship directed toward him.To be able to approach the boss at the office, not everyone can, but the boss could be deceived by the term origin boss happy (ABS). But do not   hope you can fool God with   dressed   clerics, ostensibly polite to the poor, with a   turban and robes are fragrant and long, with a black forehead, with stylish Kiai?

No, not that easy. Although tens or even hundreds of millions that you donate to the mosque, but because of the praise of men that you go, it    is not proximity to Khaliq achieved, but even more far is from God even though you may be approached many humans.
Required knowledge and special counselor so that you can   be a person who can get to Allah ( wushul ). 


Ikhlas one of them. One word lightly spoken, but very hard to be realized, is one of the signs of the many manners of someone who has come to the presence of Allah SWT. Sincere heart is not the practice of oral practice. Although oral thousand times we say Ikhlas in any other provision or practice but at heart, it is not sincere name.God is Aware of what is hidden in the hearts of His servants.

Or maybe   it is true that we gladly give anything but the aim is not Ridho Allah, but may bless the crowds, this is not sincere, it will destroy his name riya and Mesia waste our future practice. 
Riya is a liver disease that destroys and   distanced servant of the Lord.
The human heart can be Iklhas, free of riya, if the heart was clean of stains. For business keberseihan this heart, and how to manage it all taught in Science Thariqat.

Tariqat is one of the special science among primary goal is to determine the nature of human selfhood spiritual and physical.Empowering human fit from the sky nature (spirit) and earth (the bodies). With elements of the sky that has empowered and well managed make man   will be aware of spiritual light and its properties as well as to the ins and outs of   the heart, strength   and weaknesses, including their diseases.
By knowing the kinds of liver diseases are lodged in the body then seeks to treat and prevent this is part of science lessons in various individuals. Science that will deliver you to the presence of the Divine.
By knowing your potential and weaknesses of both physical and spiritual excellences then purify the two elements that will deliver you to the closeness to the Creator himself.

As we know ourselves consists of two elements dhahiry (physical) and batiny (spirit) the worship of Him shall consist of two rules that worship the spiritual birth and spiritual worship. 

The first set in-law and Shari'a law as to what prayer bagimana syar'i true, full invalidity, harmonious-rukunnya and cancel. It was all set in Shari'a law jurisprudence. But if the prayer is finished and just leave it at that, no. Prayer must be accompanied kehadran perfectly liver (preoccupied). With the presence of the heart that prayer can cause what is called tanha    'anil munkar fahsa wal '.Requires a lot of careful requirements can participate in deep prayer.

Now, how that requirement was fulfilled, how to achieve it is not easy anyway. Hearts must be completely clean of all kinds of stains and diseases to be solemnly attend and meet with Khaliq.

Science is mempelejari ahwal heart condition and how to clean and menterapinya to be a clean heart become healthy liver into the hearts of survivors (qolbun Salim) inil studied systematically in various individuals.  

Knowledge   which invites Muslims worship perfection not only in the level but also haqiqaty syariaty. Knowledge that invites us not only understand ourselves by birth but also spiritually. With the perfection of yourself both physically as well as   spiritually that is what will bring   us close to the Creator.

How to get close to Allah Ta'ala way, it is not easy there should be no teacher mentor murshid. To be able to pray in lahiry just need the teachers and especially   to be able to pray in haqiqy indispensable guide. Technically the  ilku twists   and bagimana a trip should be taken in science This Order, which is the science of how to achieve closeness to Allah Ta'ala.

Then there is no other way for anyone   who wants to make his worship   the maximum physically and spiritually but must be willing to learn the tekhnisnya Mysticism Science, Science practice taught by various individuals. Without it seems difficult to achieve the quality of real worship.

Saw Rasululloh Therefore, once reminded his companions, many people are praying and fasting, but only to get fatigue and thirst alone. Why? negligent because their hearts in prayer, their hearts not only to fast belly   are fasting.

The high priest cleric leading experts Mysticism ie, Sheikh Abil Hasan as-Syadzily    even said, anyone who is not steeped in mysticism berkecipung and it is feared will bring great sin was dead he was not aware of it.

Birth and immoral vices Batin

As worship is no worship of birth and the inner worship   sin too. Sin is not only carried out by members of the body, but it   has also been conducted by the liver or the so-called inner immoral, such as Kufr favors, like bersu'udhon or prejudice either to humans or to God or even to yourself. Greedy, riya, ujub proud of oneself, arrogant is immoral forms of mental rest.

With the Tariqat mysticism taught bagimana can worship and bagimana liver cleanse and prevent it from all kinds of sin and disease. Mysticism is like a recipe, and the theory is a step redeem tariqat drugs and drink.
And how people who have never entered this area? If able to reach it with his own way, then go ahead. However, despite the possible qualified syariaty no warranties   heart clean of any blemishes and sins. In fact there is a huge potential for becoming a proud one for people who have a lot of good fortune and wealth wealthy pegetahuan science, the science of religion though. So, looking quencher is a very important thing.

Then how the stages to savor tariqat science? The answer is,Discover the Guru Murshid (discover the guru murshid) , look at where he was. Is not just to treat leaky heart to many overseas? Why not find a doctor to spiritual healers are much more important? And do not kwatir in Indonesia many Murshid Tariqat highly qualified in their field. 

For reference, in Central Java, some of which Habib Lutfhi in Pekalongan (Mursyid Thariqat Syadziliyah), KH. Abu Hamid (Mursyid Syadziliyah) Nanny Pon.Pes. Al-Ikhsan, Beji subdistrict Kedungbanteng, Banyumas. Then KH. Sharif Nurkholis, Pon.Pes Karangwangkal North Purwokerto, Banyumas (Mursyid TQN).Indeed, the author met and the opportunity to become his disciple, he is. Allohummarhamhum. 

There are many more, hopefully the writing will come to the Murshid author mentioned that there are in the country. Greetings. 

Masihkan you are free to pursue a spiritual path? Wallohu A'alam. ###
Allohummahdina Shiraathal Mustaqiem "

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